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Brunton Axis Pocket Transit Compass 0-360
Features & Benefits
- The lid rotates around major and minor axes to provide a multitude of measuring capabilities
- Hollow hinge doubles as a sighting tube
- Only one measurement configuration is necessary to determine strike and dip, trend and plunge, and bearing and vertical angle
- Compass North is oriented parallel to the main hinge axis making the AXIS the only transit capable of measuring strike and dip simultaneously through contact or sighting methods
- The lid protractor and 360° rotation around the minor axis provide accurate, concurrent trend and plunge measurements on any surface- also overhang
- The needle-locking mechanism, induction dampening for fast stabilisation, and magnetic adjustment for east or west declination settings to ±180°
- Machined from 6061 T6 Aluminum Billet and features O-rings for waterproof protection
- Hinge Clinometer (Dip Angle) Accuracy: ±1° with 2° graduations
- Inclinometer Accuracy: ±0.5° with 1° graduation
- Lid Protractor Accuracy: ±0.5° with 1° graduation
- Magnetism: NdFeB rare earth magnet on sapphire jewel suspension
- Dimensions (Closed): 3.92” x 2.78” x 1.125”.
- Weight: 12.9 oz
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